Carving Up Something Special in San Luis Colorado — Flower Hill Institute

Carving Up Something Special in San Luis Colorado

San Luis Colorado – USDA MPPTA Client Spotlight

🌟 Meet Richard and Shelly Kuhn!

Nestled in the heart of San Luis Colorado the oldest town in the state, this dynamic duo is carving up something special. They’re the proud owners of a custom meat business that’s working to take a big leap.

They’ve received a fantastic farm-to-table grant from the State of Colorado, and they’re on a mission to expand their business and to move to USDA-inspected status. Helping them in the process, they have harnessed the expertise of Dave Carter, representing Meat Poultry Processing Technical Assistance (MPPTA) @flowerhillinstitute

Stay tuned for some meaty updates from these folks!

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Please note: The Meat and Poultry Processing Technical Assistance (MPPTA) Program is funded through a cooperative agreement with the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service. The MPPTA Project Coordinators do not offer or provide direct contractor services or financial capital, grant writing, or project management services, nor does the voluntary use of MPPTA guarantee the success of a grant application or the grant-funded project