Empowering Dreams: A Meat Processing Revolution in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico – USDA MPPTA Client Story

In the heart of Puerto Rico, Eliezer Maldonado, Director of Administration and Supervision of Cooperativa de Porcicultores de Puerto Rico (COOPorci-PR), a pork cooperative, is embarking on an ambitious project that aims to revolutionize the meat processing industry on the island. Their dream? To open a modern meat processing plant that not only builds on their existing hog processing capabilities but also diversifies into processing other animals like beef and sheep. This expansion isn't just about profits; it's about addressing a critical gap in Puerto Rico's meat processing landscape.

Lechoneras Sell Amazing Roast Pork
A culinary treasure of Puerto Rico is the "Lechoneras," which are restaurants renowned for their roast pig. These Lechoneras meticulously roast whole pigs over a spit filled with a bed of charcoal. While COOPorci-PR currently specializes in producing pigs exclusively for the Lechoneras, its vision includes the production of a wider variety of meat products in a new facility. Their aim is to make efficient use of every part of the hog, expanding their offerings to include various types of meat like ribs and pork chops. Ultimately, their goal is to supply pork to retail outlets and become an institutional supplier on the island, providing high-quality, locally sourced meat products to schools, restaurants, jails, hospitals, and more.

The current meat processing scene on the island lags behind that of the United States by approximately 15 years, with only five processors serving the entire population. Despite Puerto Rico producing only 12% of the meat consumed on the island, COOPorci-PR has the potential to play a significant role in enhancing food security locally. Furthermore, there is a pressing issue of limited suitable land for establishing new meat processing facilities, which forces ranchers to transport their animals over long distances to reach processing plants.

MPPTA Has Guided COOPorci-PR to Obtain Support From FIDOCOOP

To bridge this gap and turn their dream into reality, the cooperative sought guidance from Chris and Dave of the MPPTA program through Flowerhill Institute along with Carolina Alzate Gouzy of RAFI USA (a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) partner with Flower Hill), who played a pivotal role in introducing them to FIDOCOOP, a Puerto Rican Credit Union lender. FIDECOOP has been awarded the USDA MPILP Grant and will in turn re-lend to meat and poultry processing projects like Eleizer’s. Chris and Dave's expertise and assistance were invaluable in navigating the complexities of these processes.

To help COOPorci-PR secure financing, FIDECOOP is currently negotiating with Eliezer and the cooperative members over the terms of a loan to purchase an existing processing facility. Working with FIDOCOOP marked a significant milestone in their journey, but it was just the beginning. Chris and Dave continue to work closely with the cooperative to explore additional financing sources and with plans to update and re-design the plant to align with their goals for their dream processing plant.

MPPTA Provides the Guidance

The cooperative expressed immense gratitude for the support they received from Flower Hill, Dave, Chris, and their entire team. They credit them for turning their dream into a tangible possibility and for introducing them to USDA programs that are making it all possible “The way they introduced us to the people in the USDA office here in Puerto Rico, gave us pride in the USDA facility and because of them, they put trust in us and passed that trust to the agencies that have helped us with the documents and details for the grant. That was very important for us.”

With regular meetings, meeting at a meat processing convention in South Carolina, tours of American farms, and exposure to cutting-edge American-made equipment, Chris and Dave have been instrumental in guiding the cooperative every step of the way. Their introduction to the USDA office in Puerto Rico instilled confidence in the project and helped secure trust from agencies assisting with grant-related paperwork.

In Eliezer's words, "They guide us on everything, that's pretty much the relationship that we've been having with them." Thanks to their partnership with Chris, Dave, and the entire Flowerhill team, COOPorci-PR is on the path to realizing their dream of a thriving meat processing plant that will benefit Puerto Rico's agricultural landscape and its people.

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Please note: The Meat and Poultry Processing Technical Assistance (MPPTA) Program is funded through a cooperative agreement with the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service. The MPPTA Project Coordinators do not offer or provide direct contractor services or financial capital, grant writing, or project management services, nor does the voluntary use of MPPTA guarantee the success of a grant application or the grant-funded project